Open Link from Access

Open file link or web link from Access

(Download Sample Access File)

All your documents or websites can be opened from MS Access. We can collect all addresses of those files or web address into Access database. Then we can search for the name or description of file or website and click to open those files or website from Access. The steps below will demonstrate how to create such Access database program.

linkdesignStep #1 Create 2 tables names it as LinkList and LinkType. The LinkType table contains LTypeID field and LinkType field. The LinkList table contains fields: LinkID, LinkName, LinkDescription, LinkAddress, LActive and LinkType (look up from LinkType table shown below in the Relationships diagram).




Stop #2 Create Main form to show as a first page when Access opened. Insert 2 comboboxes for selecting My Doc Links and Other Links on the form. Also insert 3 buttons to open three different forms to add/edit LinkType, LinkName and search for file and website. Insert a label “Welcome to.. Link Database” on the top of form.


Step #3  under the AfterUpdate() Event for combobox of both My Doc Links and Other Links, insert a function “fHandleFile()” to open file or website after a name is selected from the dropdown list of combo box.


Private Sub Combo29_AfterUpdate()

Dim FilePath2 As String

FilePath2 = DLookup(“LinkAddress”, “LinkList”, “LinkID = ” & Me.Combo29)

Call fHandleFile(FilePath2, 3)

End Sub

Step #4 under the Search button on the Search form, update a VBA code to search a keyword in the LinkName and LinkDescription fields from LinkList table.


Note: see another How To for Create a Search Form here.

Private Sub Command163_Click()

‘Check if search parameters exist

Dim strSearch As String

Dim strLoad As String

Dim strSpaceFix As String

Dim Task As String

Me.txtTemp = txtSearch

‘Clear recordsource before seach

myTask = “SELECT * FROM linklist WHERE [linkID] =”””

Me.RecordSource = Task

If IsNull(Me.txtSearch) Or Me.txtSearch = “” Then

MsgBox “Please enter keyword for linkName or Description.”, vbOKOnly, “Keyword Needed”

Me.txtSearch.BackColor = vbYellow



‘Load Text Box contents

strLoad = Me.txtSearch.Value

‘strSearchValue = Me.txtSearch

‘Replace spaces with addition search code

strSpaceFix = Replace(strLoad, ” “, “” & “*”” AND [linkname] Like “”*” & “”, 1, -1)

Task = “SELECT * FROM linklist WHERE ([linkname] Like “”*” & strSpaceFix & “*”” Or [LinkDescription] like “”*” & strSpaceFix & “*””)” & _

“order by linkname, linktype”

Me.RecordSource = Task = FindRecordCount(Task)

If = 0 Then

MsgBox “No record found”, vbInformation, “Not found”

End If

Me.txtSearch.BackColor = vbWhite


End If

End Sub

Step #5 Call a function fHandleFile() VBA code on the On Click Event under the LinkName field. By doing this, you can click on a LinkName to open file or website from a result of searching keyword.


Private Sub LinkName_Click()
Dim FilePath As String
On Error GoTo err_Handler
If IsNull([LinkAddress]) Then
    MsgBox "No Link Address entered for this Document or web page"
ElseIf IsNull([LinkID]) Then
FilePath = DLookup("linkAddress", "linklist", "LinkID = " & Me.LinkID)
'MsgBox (FilePath)
Call fHandleFile(FilePath, 3)
End If
Exit Sub
'*     Error Handler
MsgBox "Error " & Err.number & " occured." & vbNewLine & "Please search reference before clicking this field."
End Sub

Step #6 Insert VBA code under the On Double Click Event for LinkDescription field to open the Add/Edit LinkPage. In this How To, I use an Embedded Macro method to open form as shown below:

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Step #7 Call a function fHandleFile() VBA code on the On Double Click Event under the LinkAddress field. By doing this, you can double click on a LinkAddress field to open file or website from to test if it works or not.


Step #8 Insert the VBA code for function fHandleFile() under the Module of your Access file.

You can find the VBA code from Google or you can download a sample Access file here with a little of donation. You will save a lot of time with a download file.

 Function fHandleFile(stFile As String, lShowHow As Long)



‘You can search for this function from Google

‘Or you can download the sample file from this website here



End Function

Step #9 Insert the VBA code for function FindRecordCount() under the Module of your Access file. You can find the VBA code from Google or you can download a sample Access file here with a little of donation. You will save a lot of time with a download file. Donation is much appreciated.

Function FindRecordCount(strSQL As String) As Long

Dim db As Database

Dim rstRecords As Recordset

‘On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Set db = CurrentDb

Set rstRecords = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

If rstRecords.EOF Then

FindRecordCount = 0



FindRecordCount = rstRecords.RecordCount

End If



Set rstRecords = Nothing

Set db = Nothing

End Function

We will call this function on the Search button. It will give us a message “No record found” if no result after search by keyword. We will add the code below on the Search button after   Me.RecordSource = Task. = FindRecordCount(Task)

If = 0 Then

MsgBox “No record found”, vbInformation, “Not found”

End If


Example of selecting website from the dropdown list on combobox to open the website.sampleselect website will open in the internet browser after the name of was released from the dropdown list in Access.


You can download sample Access file here:


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