Set program to close at preset time

How to set program to close at preset time The following How To will demonstrate how to force Access program to close at 5:00 PM of the day if program is left open before 5:00 PM. The warning message will pop up 5 minutes before closing. 1. We need two unbound text boxes on your form. Name them as Systime and TextTime. Under the Form Design view, under the Property Sheet of text box Systime, assign a Control Source = TimeValue(now()) as shown below:             2.…

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Load Combo Box value with First/Last/Previous value

How to Load Combo Box with the First or Last value on the list or Previous Value was selected last time Load Combo Box value with the First item on the list 1. Create a combo box on form. In this How To, will select data from the Customer Type table. Select option “I want the combo box to get the values from another table or query” on the Combo Box Wizard. Then select CustomerTypeID and CustomerType fields from table Customer Type. 2. Under the Event Procedure of Form On…

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Combo box value depends on the selection of another combo box

The combo box data depends on selection on another combo box Two combo boxes have been related to each other. The data list on the second combo box will depend on the selected value on the first combo box. How to make it works? Step #1  Create two combo box on form. The first combo box, in this How To, will select data from the Customer Type table. Select option “I want the combo box to get the values from another table or query” on the Combo Box Wizard. Then select CustomerTypeID and…

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Open Link from Access

Open file link or web link from Access (Download Sample Access File) All your documents or websites can be opened from MS Access. We can collect all addresses of those files or web address into Access database. Then we can search for the name or description of file or website and click to open those files or website from Access. The steps below will demonstrate how to create such Access database program. Step #1 Create 2 tables names it as LinkList and LinkType. The LinkType table contains LTypeID field and…

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Compact and Repair Access Database

How to Compact and Repair Access Database After you make a lot of changes in your Access database design your database file size will getting bigger. Especially, after you have done with your database design you should make a compact or repair your database before using it. You can also compact your database file after it is used for a while in order to keep a file size small and run smoothly. Please follow me step-by-step below: Step #1. Select your Access database file with allowing short cut. I have…

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How to Open External File linked to CustomerID

How to Open Filename linked to CustomerID You can open the external file like MS Word or PDF format from MS Access. In this How To, I will demonstrate how to open the external PDF file that has a filename matches with the customer ID in MS Access. For instance, I have the PDF file name “3.PDF” located in some folder on my computer for match with the CustomerID = 3 on Customer table. After I click the Customer_ID =3 on the Customer_ID field on form, the Adobe Reader will…

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How to Set Form as Read-Only for Regular User

Set form as Read-Ony Form Before restricting a form to user, we need to have a user table with UserSecurity field. In this how to, I will create a lookup table tblSecurityLevel for a UserSecurity field on the tblUser table. 1.) Create a table tblSecurityLevel with a SecurityID and SecurityLevel field and add Admin for SecurityID =1 and User for SecurityID =2     2.) Create a table tblUser with a UserLogin, UserSecurity and Password fields. Setup a table tblWorker that has a UserSecurity field links to a table tlbSecurityLevel.…

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